Technology with style


Pitch on Australian Anthill Magazine
USA Tech Guide review Marketing Features of the Kangan Roo (now referred to as Kangaroo ®)
Review by David Kreutz
PowerPoint presentation on Wheelchair Design Business Week USA article
New Inventors

Viewers' Choice

Fairfax Weekly

Hume Weekly

Hume Moreland Leader

Star Hume
Times Hobsons Bay

COOL Mobility Projects

Elbow Crutches


We are investigating the feasibility of making light weight custom crutches, that use a variety of advanced materials, to provide a quality and attractive option for long-term elbow crutch users.

We welcome long term crutch users to contact us to give us their "wish list" of what features they would like to see in customised crutches to be functional, light weight, quiet, shock adsorbing and importantly 'cool' looking and unobtrusive. Let us know what you feel is important and what colours and materials you would like to have as options.

More information will be placed here as the project develops.



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